
Thank you for taking the pledge!

You really are doing the important work; don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

We have created a simple worksheet for you that helps you keep track of the information for the folks you commit to help.

It’s really simple.

We’ve compiled a few great websites you can use to help find the appropriate information
to best help craft a voting plan for each person:

Getting to the polls on Election Day is a barrier for nearly 17% of voters.
Here’s some things you can let folks know about:

  • Lyft is, on Election Day, offering 50% off one ride up to $10 to any polling location or dropbox using the code 2020VOTE

  • Uber is offering a discount on election day, the promo is valid from 12:01am PT on November 3, 2020, to 3am PT on November 4, 2020. Max discount of $7 off each ride, for a maximum of two rides. The discounts will be automatically applied when you request your ride by using the polling finder.

  • If you’re a licensed driver - and you have permission from your legal guardian(s) - you can drive people to the polls yourself! It’s completely legal to do so; don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

  • Be a Poll Worker! Many states allow folks under 18 to work at their local polling locations. The American Constitution Society has put together a list of all 50 states and their laws. Check it out to see if you qualify: